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Hi there, I’m Dan 👋

I work as a Platform Owner at VELUX, building an internal developer platform aiming to increase the developer experience for the platform, for the benefit of both developers and the business. 🚀

I believe that happy developers are productive developers and vice versa. I also believe that the best way to improve developer experience is to look at the capabilities of the organization as a whole, and involve the developers themselves in the process.

This has been my guiding principle in my work with developer experience, and it’s also the reason why I created the DevEx Manifesto. 😇

If you want to connect, reach out to me on LinkedIn and Twitter.


I am deeply influenced by thought leaders I admire, such as Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais, Dr. Nicole Forsgren, John Cutler, Abi Noda, Gergely Orosz, and Johan Abildskov, who has often mentored me in our shared passion for DevOps and software development. The list is long… I’m grateful to everyone who has inspired me in this journey. 🙏